Keep getting in touch with the business world

Today is the first time I have seen RT in such high spirits since a long time. He came in earlier than usual, instead of starting up his laptop, the first thing he did was to take out a few pieces of loose papers and flashed at me. They are photocopied newspaper cuttings of company news on water and energy sectors, two of them were on Hyflux and another big player in the same field, Boustead. He also passed me this month’s edition (June) of Pulses, featuring CEO of Boustead, Mr. FF Wong. In the magazine, there were also some important financial figures showing constant growth in terms of revenue and profits (in 2007, a bit low, could be due to expenses). In a gist, Mr. Wong expressed a very positive outlook and aggressive roadmap for Boustead not only in its field of infrastructure building, already expanding water and wastewater business, but also geo-spatial services, an area which provides solutions for optimisation of land and space resources. Its subsidiary Salcon, apparently a direct competitor to Hyflux, is also venturing into Middle East market, on top of its current NEWater plant locally. The magazine also covered stories on Capitaland and Goodpack and many other inspiring articles; and very coincidentally, these companies were mentioned during the TA course that we attended a few days ago and we seemed to appreciate more and more on the business talk. Could it be sheer serendipity, or is it us getting better in touch with the business world? Whatever that is, I reckon that continuous hardwork and research will definitely pay off one day.

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